Tuesday 16 December 2014

That was Christmas

Remember the time when we traveled up to Auckland?
Remember the chilly water touching our toes?
That was Christmas.

Remember all the presents under the Christmas Tree?
Remember walking on the crunchy pebbles under our feet?
That was Christmas.

Remember the sand oozing through our toes?
Remember stockings on the mantle piece?
That was Christmas.

Monday 24 November 2014

PRIDE Certificate for Week 6

Well done to Chaytah, Dorian, Joe, Hayley and Savannah. They received the PRIDE Certificates for Week 6. They have also been working diligently on their writing. 

Friday 21 November 2014

Personification Poem

The grass defends.
The dark clouds fight.
The rainbow overlooks the battle.
The sun gives its last light of luck 
to the grass before it dies.

Personification Poem

The poles stand to attention.
The sea chatters.
The waves try to grab my feet.
The bushes wave to me.


Monday 8 September 2014